The Sunnah of Careful Consideration (al-Tathabbut)

The Sunnah of Careful Consideration (al-Tathabbut)


By: Faysal Burhan
Published: 2002

Allah, the Almighty said:

.‏47:24 افلا يتدبرون القران ام على قلوب اقفالها

Do they not earnestly examine, ponder, and study the Qur’an (for an understanding of its guidance and benefits), or is it that their hearts are locked up (cannot see its illuminating light and guidance.) Qur’an, 47:24

The Sunnah of al-Tathabbut is the investigative and study approach to making a decision, taking action, or resolving a problem. It follows a method that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his household exercised and brought about as a Sunnah, a way of life. When A’isha, the Prophet’s wife, was asked how the Prophet (PBUH) had conducted his affairs, she responded:

.كَانَ عَمَلُ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- دِيمَةً

His deeds and actions were continuous and stable. -Muslim

In a different narration, she said:

.وكان آل محمد إذا عملوا عملا أثبتوه

When the Prophet’s household conducted an affair (they conducted it with all possible considerations, tathabbut).

The Arabic word is a term used for a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of a matter before judgment or a resolution. For example, a judge will not give his verdict before he thoroughly studies, investigates, and examines the case. This process is called tathabbut. Furthermore, the Prophet (PBUH) also said:

.التّأنّي من الله والعجلة من الشّيطان

Cautions and careful consideration are from Allah, and haste is from Satan. -Muslim

In another tradition (hadith), the Prophet (PBUH) cautioned against doing something without considering its results or impact. See the following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

.من عمل عملا فليتدبر عواقبه

If you are going to do something, consider its consequences carefully. (if the result is good, consider doing it, but do not do it if its impact is bad. Modify it, find other alternatives, and or conduct further studies that would yield successful results). -Musnad Abi Ya’la

The previous three sayings of the Prophet’s wisdom (PBUH) firmly point out that the Sunnah of tathabbut is elemental for every true believer. Muslims must not underestimate the underlying value that this precious sunnah will play in constructing the Muslim Ummah’s various moral, social, economic, and political building blocks.

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