Resources on Islamic Civilization

Islamic Science East and West
Homage to professor
J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa
Emilia Calvo, Mercè Comes, Roser Puig, Mònica Rius
Faith & Fable
Islamic Manuscripts from Cambridge Unversity Library
Outstanding Surgeons of Medieval Islam

By Zakaria Virk, a Canadian author, and expert on the Islamic civilization. Most of his work is published at the Muslim Heritage website. He compiled and translated over sixteen books in multi-languages.

A quill pen - Learning for all
Outstanding Muslim Women Scholars 

By Zakaria Virk, a Canadian author, and expert on the Islamic civilization. Most of his work is published at the Muslim Heritage website. He compiled and translated over sixteen books in multi-languages.

Diana Darke - How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science. Volume 2- Routledge – 1996
Mathematics and the Physical Sciences

Edited By Rushdi Rashed
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science Volume 3
Encyclopedia of the History of Arabic Science
Volume 3 
Edited by
ROSHDI RASHED in collaboration with RÉGIS MORELON
Astrolabe of al-Ahmar
Spherical Astrolabes in Circulation
From Baghdad to Toledo and to Tunis & Istanbul
By David A. King
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt
Science and Technology in Islamic Spain

By Zakaria Virk, a Canadian author and expert on the Islamic civilization. Most of his work is published on the Muslim Heritage website. He compiled and translated over sixteen books in multiple languages.