ISIS Formulation Orientation and Destination

June 28, 2017
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ISIS Formulation
– Disclaimer
– Abstract
– Summary
ISIS Founders
– Al-Zarqawi (1966-2006)
– Jund al-Sham, Soldiers of the Levant
– Al-Tawhid wal-Jihad Group
– Igniting the Iraqi Civil War
– No Slaying on Suspicion
– Abu Ayyub al-Masri (1968-2010)
– More Insight into the Nature of ISIS’s Two Leaders
– ISIS Attacks Iraqi Election Personal and Buildings
– Al-Masri’s Wives
– The Account of the First Wife
– The Account of the Second Wife
– Abu Omar al-Baghdadi (1959-2010)
– Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (1971- present)
– Expansion into Syria and the Break with al-Qaeda
– Official Declaration of a Caliphate
– Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Threatens the Saudi Monarch–
ISIS Beliefs
– The Three Rules of al-Dawlah, the [Islamic] State
– Apostasy (Riddah)
– Quotations on Apostate and Governments: Ayman Zawahiri, al-Qaeda Leader, and Qutb, a Prominent Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood
– Apostates in the Dictionary of the Salafi/Wahhabi Doctrine
– Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab’s Ten Nullifiers of Islam
– Al-Wallaa and Al-Barra (Loyalty and Friendship vs. Disavowal and Enmity)
ISIS Belief Refutation
– Islam Calls for Reconciliation and Negotiation
– The Apostate Refutation
– Defining War
– Isolation and Stifling Intellect
– Salafi/Wahhabis Decline Joining American Muslims
– Islam Commands Innovation
ISIS Apostate Belief at Work
– ISIS Carnage and Destruction
ISIS Destination
– A Change of Direction in the Saudi Monarchy
– Seventy Percent of the Suicide Bombers were Saudis
– Bandar bin Sultan was Ousted as the Chief Director of the Intelligence
– The Ex-Kuwaiti Minister Saad al-Ajami’s Brave Admission
– Extremism Enveloped the Saudi Academia and Society
By: Staff
Published: 2015
ISIS Formulation
Although this article discusses the Salafi/Wahhabi creed’s principles of bigotry and violence, those who follow this doctrine practice the proper form of Islam (Qur’an and moderation) and promote peace and security truthful to Islam and Allah are excluded.
The letters ISIS stands for The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Other names used when referring to ISIS are The Islamic State of Iraq, ISI; the Islamic State of the Iraq and Levant, ISIL; and the Islamic State (IS).
This article discusses ISIS’ formation, creed, founders’ background, and future. The write-up also examines the epidemic of extremism and violence and what fuels them.
It will show that Salafi/Wahhabi’s creed is responsible for the bigotry, violence, and destruction, yet, seemingly, in the name of Islam. The Salafi/Wahhabi term used in this article refers to the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (1703- 1792) based on the Salafi concept of Ibn Taymiyyah (1262- 1328). The reader is advised to read the article “The Distortion of Islamic Doctrine” on the nature of creed.
A quick scan of ISIS’s principles and actions reveals that ISIS’s theatre is about re-establishing a centuries-old state based on the opinion of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. ISIS is highly outdated, and every item in its dictionary repeats the 18th-century Wahhabi experience in modern-day life. All ISIS approaches are based on “Menhaj as-Salaf as-Saleh,” a dominant phrase among ISIS’s leaders, meaning by way of the Salafi/Wahhabi creed. (Ibrahim, pg 125)
While most nations today do their utmost to deploy their intellect and resources for life improvement, some, in the name of Islam, deploy all their resources to destroy life.
ISIS conducts no studies on contemporary issues that mainstream Islamic scholars are addressing. Topics include solutions to the Muslim crisis, the ways and means for improving a Muslim’s inner-self spiritual and intellectual faculties, freedom of belief, rights of people within the law, the economy, the environment, and modern women in society. These and many other relevant issues are absent from the ISIS agenda.
Today’s global village is bankrupt of spirituality, yet, ISIS executes penalty laws prematurely before building the faith and spiritual infrastructure, much like assembling the Pyramid of Giza topside first and expecting it to work.
The carnage ISIS is committing in the name of Islam violates its core and spirit. ISIS must realize that its negative approach and allegation principles and philosophies are short-lived in the modern-day world, and while trying to implement it, it is disastrous.
ISIS Founders
Al-Zarqawi (1966-2006)
ISIS was founded in 2004, but its predecessor, al-Tawhid, and the al-Jihad group formed in northeastern Iraq in 2001 and is considered the mother of ISIS. Its founder was Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi, a core al-Qaida, Salafi/Wahhabi, and fighting expert. His actual name is Ahmad Fadeel al-Nazal al-Khalayleh. Born in al-Zarqa, Jordan, on October 20, 1966.
Al-Zarqawi did not have a formal education and was reportedly a high school dropout. He had attended a mosque that a radical Imam led. Chehab, Zaki 2006, Iraq Ablaze: Inside the Insurgency, IB Tauris & Co, Cornwall, p. 8
According to a report by The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “Al-Zarqawi’s criminal past and excessive views on takfir (accusing other Muslims of heresy and thereby justifying their killing), a Salafi/Wahabi doctrine, created major friction and distrust with bin Laden in Afghanistan in 1999.”
As we will learn later, takfir is the first of the three principles of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab’s doctrine in the foundation of Dawlah, the [Islamic] State. The second principle is immigration from the Land of Kufr (disbelief) to the Land of Faith (where the Salafi/Wahhabi adherents are), and the third policy is Jihad. For elaboration on these rules, see “Three Rules of al-Dawlah, the [Islamic] State” below.

In the late 1980s, al-Zarqawi went to Afghanistan to join the Mujahideen fighting the invasion of Soviet troops. In 1989, the Soviets were already beginning to leave. Instead of fighting, he became a reporter for an Islamist newsletter and returned home to Jordan.
In Jordan, he was arrested for guns and explosives found in his home. He was sent to prison in 1992, and after four years in jail, he was out on a national amnesty given to the prisoners by the late King of Jordan. According to Jordanian officials and his acquaintances, al-Zarqawi developed a reputation for his ‘radical beliefs.’ He considered all Arab governments apostates and spoke out about ousting the king of Jordan.
Jund al-Sham, Soldiers of the Levant
Between 1989 and 1992, al-Zarqawi helped start the local militant group Jund al-Sham in Jordan. The group executed bombing attacks since the beginning of 2004 in Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan. The Syrian Army fought this organization from 2005 until 2014. See ( for details.
Furthermore, al-Zarqawi is thought to be responsible for the 2005 bombing of three hotels in Amman, Jordan ( One of these bombing victims was Moustapha al-Akkad, a filmmaker and director of the feature film “The Messenger,” in 1977. (
“The Messenger” significantly changed the understanding of Islam and its Messenger, Prophet Muhammad. At the time of his death, he produced an $80 million movie featuring Sean Connery about Saladin and the Crusades, for which he already had the script and would be filmed in Jordan. The feature film on Saladin would further serve Islam and Muslims’ promotion, especially in the West.
See our article, Saladin: A Benevolent Man, Respected by Muslims and Christians.
Al-Tawhid wal-Jihad Group
r After he conflicted with Osama bin Laden in 1999 in Afghanistan, al-Zarqawi entered Iraq and formed the militant al-Tawhid wal-Jihad group in 2001 in northeastern Iraq. Al-Tawhid wal-Jihad organization, the root of ISIS, was the mother organization of several al-Qaida jihadi groups. Ansar al-Islam and the Kurdistan Islamic Movement were among them.
Note: The group’s name al-Tawhid (Oneness of Allah), wa al-Jihad, echoes the Wahhabi/Salafi adherents’ all-out cry against most other Muslims. All other Muslims are Mushriks, heretics–graves and saints worshippers; deviant Sufis and innovators, and the refused Shia; all Muslim governmental systems and public leaders, apostates. These are but a few of a host of disbelief allegations.
These accusations against ‘heretic Muslims’ filtrate into congregational and ceremonial speech attendances, mainly among the Salafi/Wahhabis; negativism, and dreadful accusations of bigotry, hate, and even verbal attacks and cursing; in contrast, most mainstream Muslim religious leaders’ speeches are warm and encouraging. They promote character, faith, taqwa (righteousness), closeness to Allah, humbleness, the love of Prophet Muhammad, and care for all human beings. Also addressed are the gracious and humane traits of Islam and Prophet Muhammad, wisdom, improving the quality of life, and so many other constructive and amiable Islamic principles.
The name al-Tawhid wal-Jihad efficiently drew many Salafi/Wahhabi adherents from other countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. As we will learn later, immigration to the ‘land of faith’ is a requirement of the Wahhabi principle of the Islamic State.
After Baghdad fell to the American forces in April 2003, al-Zarqawi drew many high-ranking officers from the defeated Iraqi Army and extensively educated them in Wahhabism’s creed. (Ibrahim, pg 184)
In 2004 al-Zarqawi joined al-Qaeda and pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden. After this, al-Tawhid wal-Jihad became known as Tanzim Qaidat wal-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (Al Qaeda in the Country of the Two Rivers), also known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), and later, Islamic State of Iraq, ISI. As a result, Al-Zarqawi was named “Emir (Prince) of Al Qaeda in the Country of the Two Rivers, Iraq.”
Igniting the Iraqi Civil War
By 2004, al-Zarqawi directed several suicidal operations against the American forces and the Shia civilians in Baghdad, Karbala, and Khathimiah. (Ibrahim, pg 186)
Realizing his group’s inability to face the far more advanced American forces and attain victory, al-Zarqawi turned the war against his people. On February 12, 2004, he wrote a letter to Osama bin Laden explaining his new plans and hoping to consent to them.
In this letter, he revealed a proposal to inflame a vicious civil war to make the region explode. The civil war shall return the Wahhabi/Salafis, whose deteriorating condition “is worse than the orphans,” into control and “rouse up the Sunnis against the Shia, the offspring of Saba’.” This implies Abdullah Ibn Saba’, who some believe started the Shia movement.
In the letter, al-Zarqawi admitted that his previous attacks on the Shia were provocations to “wake up the Sunnis from their deep sleep.”
Realizing that his differences with bin Laden and his orders’ refusal could turn against him, al-Zarqawi started a campaign to gain supporters, built a strong base, and operated independently.
Being away in Afghanistan, Bin Laden’s control of al-Zarqawi diminished, and his place in this theater grew dimmer while al-Zarqawi’s leadership continued to dominate. In the end, al-Zarqawi refused his leader’s order not to ignite the civil war in Iraq. (Ibrahim)
It is important to state that al-Zarqawi’s provocations and carnage are considered a high offense in Islam. Therefore, his act is classified as corruption on earth.’ The Qur’an states:
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they are killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they are exiled from the Land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment, Qur’an 5:33
Road ambushes and murder, explosions in crowded marketplaces, planes and trains, and other places crowded with people, attacking and slaying communities at peace, and other similar acts of bloodshed and destruction, are all considered ‘corruption on earth’ acts.
It is sad and painful to see a person with no Islamic education, not even a High School diploma, falsify the vast majority of Muslims and indict them for being apostates. Then turn against them in a mass slaying of actions and on the wide-scale destruction of community property and infrastructure, while such peaceful are at peace? In a holistic extremity, do these adherents consider their religious leaders and their verdicts, even if these decisions violate many of the Qur’an verses and the principles of Islam?
The reader is invited to read these articles to get the jest of Islam’s peaceful message and the extent of violations ISIS is committing:
–Islam and Christianity: Two Faiths, One God,
–The Abrahamic Religions: Common Roots and Shared Responsibilities,
–Qur’anic Verses Misinterpreted as Teaching Violence, The Peaceful Fabric of Islam,
–The Basic Policy of Islam Regarding Non-Muslims: Peace or War?
In the letter’s last statement, al-Zarqawi named his Shia and Kurds targets “Tawa’if al-Riddah,” legitimizing the slaying of Muslim Shia and Kurds as the tribes of apostasy. See the “The Apostate Refutation” discussion below to understand it and its misusage.
No Slaying on Suspicion
Prophet Muhammad prevented his companions from killing anyone during a battle who abstained from fighting, claiming Islam, even if their claim was a lie. When Usamah ibn Zayd told the Prophet about killing someone on the battlefield, even though the victim proclaimed Islam, the Prophet was very angry at Usamah. He responded with the question: Did you open his heart [to discover that what he said was a lie?].” The companion said: How could I read his heart, oh messenger of God? The Prophet replied: “You did not believe what he said, and you do not know how to read his heart, then why did you kill him?
How could al-Zarqawi, who claims to be a Muslim, judge an entire community, a crowded marketplace, a funeral procession, or the passengers on a plane to be disbelievers, and slay all with explosives or suicide bombings, and then attribute such evil mass-murdering acts to Islam?
Besides, labeling someone or a group of disbelievers does not give a Muslim the right to kill. At the state level, permission to fight is only offered in return for aggression or injustices. What aggressions or injustices did innocent people commit to being murdered in public places and towns? What had they done against Islam to be slain and have their properties destroyed? For more information on this topic, please see our article, Foreign Policy of Islam Toward non-Muslims: Peace or War. Also, see the “Apostasy” discussion below for more on this topic.
Abu Ayyub al-Masri (1968-2010)
After al-Zarqawi’s death in April 2006, Abu Ayyub al-Masri (real name: Abdul Munim Izi-edin Ali al-Badawi) was appointed leader of ISIS, then al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) on June 12, 2006. See
Abu Ayyub al-Masri was born in Egypt in 1968. He joined the Muslim Brotherhood and was a personal assistant to Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad in 1982. Al-Masri went to bin Laden’s al-Farouk camp in Afghanistan in 1999, where he became an expert in explosives. Al-Masri’s Islamic education exposure is not just Salafi/Wahhabi but includes the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt’s political doctrine. Al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi (ISIS’s third leader) were killed during a raid on al-Masri’s house on April 18, 2010.
More Insight into the Nature of ISIS’s Two Leaders
Al-Masri’s Encounter with al-Zarqawi, Al-Mansour**, in his work, “The Islamic State Between Reality and Illusion,” spoke of the excessiveness of the leaders of al-Qaeda, including al-Masri and al-Zarqawi. He stated that al-Masri told him a story he had encountered with al-Zarqawi over an Iraqi police officer’s killing. Al-Mansour says: Al-Masri reports: ‘Al-Zarqawi conferred that the sign of apostate, kufr, on a person [police] is the blue dress [the Iraqi police uniform]. This statement was his answer down to the letter, al-Masri maintained.’ I (al-Masri) said to him, just for the sake of argument, and in the science of Fiqh, it is permissible to make an assumption, even if it never happens. For example, suppose a policeman guards a female school in a Sunni area where abductions occur frequently. The policeman does nothing else other than this guard function.
Suppose a layman took such a fatwa verdict [as yours] from someone known to be ‘trusted by the common people as a learned one,’ what do you say to that? He replied, may God bless his soul: ‘He is an apostate, just because of the blue dress, and if he were to be asked to fight the Mujahidin and aid the Crusaders, he would do it.’ I said: But it is not permissible to accuse a person of kufr based on a gesture. I was speaking to him about an accusation in a specific case, not about blaming a whole community in Kufr.”
In Islam, decisions based on conjecture are rejected, even for an unimportant matter. Nevertheless, a choice for taking people’s souls. Is al-Zarqawi’s education or those who gave him the fatwa Islamic or Salafi/Wahhabi creed education?
Al-Mansour, reports other forms of takfir (accusing others of heresy) that ISIS practices include:
Groups of their own, Salafi jihadists, students and disseminators of faith, those who describe ISIS as excessive and violent, those who participate in elections, the candidates in the election, government positions, and those who participate in the justice systems.
**Al-Mansour, (Abu Abdillah al-Mansour al-Eassawi), Head of the Mujahideen Army, was an Iraqi Salafi. He was the teacher of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, before his detainment in 2005. He wrote a book called: “The Islamic State Between Reality and Illusion, 2014.” He also wrote another book called: Mad al-Ayadi li-Bay’at al-Baghdadi, “Extending the Hands for Allegiance to the Baghdadi” Al-Mansour, in his writings, approves of the ISIS Salafi/Wahhabi application of Sharia Law, but he criticized ISIS in five points:
1. Wrong thinking.
2. Murdering of people, but without due process.
3. Lying.
4. Ignorance.
5. No giving consideration of the Islamic rules of Jihad.
ISIS Attacks Iraqi Election Personnel and Buildings
ISIS gunned down election officials, including 50 women in Iraq. The 300 people killed worked for the Iraqi Electoral Commission in Mosul. It has called on the UN to help ‘stop the slaughter and crimes against Iraqi people. At least 50 were women, a spokesman for a rival rebel group claimed ISIS has executed 2,070 in and around Mosul since seizing it in June 2014.
Al-Masri’s Wives
Al-Masri could have been married to two wives simultaneously: an Egyptian and a Yamani.
The Account of the First Wife
When al-Masri was appointed as the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) after al-Zarqawi died in 2006, his picture was shown on television and broadcast media networks. The first to recognize his image was his Egyptian wife, Huda Ahmad El-Sayyd. The “Voice of the Ummah” magazine of Egypt, on July 17, 2006, reported that Huda Ahmad El-Sayyd was shocked when she saw a picture of her husband on the television screen as al-Qaeda In Iraq’s new leader. She said, “He has been detained for seven years in Egypt for what they call terrorism. So how could he be in Iraq?” She maintained:” Why my husband in particular, and how did America get his picture?”
The Account of the Second Wife
When the Iraqi forces stormed and entered the al-Masri house on April 19, 2010, they found four dead male bodies and two women alive. One of the women, Hasna, a native of Yemen, claimed to be al-Masri’s wife. After being arrested, she testified that her husband (Al-Masri) “entered Yemen using a fake passport under Yussef Haddad Labib and taught in village schools. He and I got married in Sanaa in 1998 and had three children. He was very strict and secretive. I found out that he was ‘Abu Ayyub al-Masri’ only after the death of Abu Mus’ab al-Zarqawi.”
Hasna further detailed, “I used to have a small radio to listen to the news, and I asked my husband about the reasoning for killing people and children, but I got no answer.” She noted, “He had accused me of being an enemy of the Islamic State of Iraq because I asked him, where is the Islamic State of Iraq you speak of, and we live in the desert?”
Although al-Masri was less takfiri than al-Zarqawi, he does believe that all governments and their systems are apostates, the Muslim Brotherhood Party’s dominant political principle. See the “Apostate” Section below.
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi (1959-2010)
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi (Hamid Dawood al-Zawi) was a security officer in the Iraqi Army before the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. In 1985 he embraced the Salafi/Wahhabi creed and became one of its propagators. He was the Imam of Assaf Mosque, where he conducted lectures on “Salafism Doctrine.” He attracted many youths and founded the Manssurah (Victorious) Army. Some of the young became prominent leaders of the al-Qaeda in Iraq group.
In 2004 he joined al-Zarqawi’s al-Qaeda in Iraq group. He became the Mujahideen Shura Council leader (translated as “Consultative Council of Mujahedeen,” an umbrella organization composed of eight groups that oppose the United States military presence in Iraq. He drafted the “Aqeedatu al-Dawlah,” the “Belief and Constitutionality Base for the State [of Islam], ISI.”
His condition of “Aqeedatu al-Dawlah,” the State’s belief, is based on “Menhaj as-Salaf as-Saleh,” by the way and doctrine of the Salafi/Wahhabi creed. He also demanded that no member of the Education Committee be admitted to it unless he adheres to “as-Salaf as-Saleh,” a dominant phrase implying the following of the Salafi/Wahhabi creed.
As the ISI organization grew more substantial, so did that of the previous Abu Omar al-Baghdadi position. He now appoints future ISI leaders to various branches and regions. No one person is designated to a post without his approval.
By April 19, 2007, al-Qaeda in Iraq, with all its consolidated teams, became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was appointed its new leader. ISI’s previous leader, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, was reduced to the Head (emir) of the Consultative Council of Mujahedeen. (Ibrahim, pg 118)
On April 18, 2010, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was killed along with Abu Ayyub al-Masri, as the Iraqi forces rocketed al-Masri’s home near Tikrit, Iraq.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (1971- present)
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim al-Badri) of Samarra, Iraq, is the self-proclaimed caliph of ISIS today. He claims to be a decedent of the Hashimi tribe (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Hashimi al-Qurashi). Note: The Hashimi clan is the clan of Prophet Muhammad. His father was one of the Salafi doctrine promoters. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a Sadam University of Islamic Studies graduate in Baghdad. Both of his research papers were on the science of reading the Qur’an. He was the Imam of the Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in Samarra for a long time. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal founded the Fiqh School of Hanbali, which the Salafi/Wahhabi adherents claim to belong to.
Al-Eassawi, a Salafi Iraqi who was the teacher of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and the leader of the Mujahidin Army, in his work “The Islamic State Between Reality and Illusion, 2014,” describes some of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s characters as:
He is an ordinary Muslim, not very smart, and slow in learning. He has had no jihad experience; he was a common soldier, not at all one of those prominent striking ones; his Islamic knowledge was shallow in Sharia matters, and he was not a specialist in any of the various Islamic sciences. (Ibrahim, pg 12)
After the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi helped found the militant group Jamaat Jaysh Ahl al-Sunnah wa-l-Jamaah (JJASJ), in which he served as Head of the Sharia Committee. Al-Baghdadi and his group joined the Mujahideen Shura Council in 2006, in which he served as a member of its Sharia Committee and a senior member of its consultative council.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was arrested by US Forces-Iraq on February 2, 2004, near Fallujah and detained at Camp Bucca as a “civilian internee” until December 2004. After that, he was considered a “low-level prisoner.”
Al-Baghdadi was announced as the ISI leader on May 16, 2010, following the death of his predecessor Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.
As an ISI leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was responsible for masterminding large-scale destructive operations such as the August 28, 2011, suicide bombing at the Umm al-Qura Mosque in Baghdad, which killed 32 Muslims. Between March and April 2011, the ISI claimed 23 attacks south of Baghdad, all allegedly carried out under his command. Contrary to the entire Muslim world’s understanding and salutation of Islam as a religion of peace, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi states:
Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting,” he said. “No one should believe that the war we are waging is the war of the Islamic State. It is the war of all Muslims, but the Islamic State is spearheading it. It is the war of Muslims against infidels.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi further argues that the Islamic State’s Jihad is one for all Muslims, urging them to migrate to Islamic State-held territories or “fight in his land wherever that may be.” See more at
Expansion into Syria and the Break with al-Qaeda
Al-Baghdadi remained the ISI leader until its formal development into Syria in 2013. Then, in a statement on April 8, 2013, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced the Islamic State’s formation in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
The Break between al-Qaeda and ISIS is one of ideological, as well as of control and power. As stated earlier, bin Laden disapproved of al-Zarqawi’s extreme takfiri belief. This radical takfiri view is the first indication of a split. The split grew more when al-Zarqawi declined bin Laden’s advice not to target civilians and the Shia population during the 2003 bombing campaign.
The more significant split occurred in April 2013, when Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, announced the joining of the Nusra group, operating in Syria into ISI, and the change of the name organization into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The then Nusra group leader, Abu Muhammad al-Jawlani, rejected al-Baghdadi’s move and kept his allegiance to al-Zawahiri, who was and still is the leader of al-Qaeda. (Ibrahim, pg 123)
On June 9, 2013, when al-Zawahiri ordered Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to limit his role to Iraq and keep the Nusra operation separately, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, accused al-Zawahiri of violating specific religious rulings and openly refused his leader’s order. Thus, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi pulled the rug out from underneath al-Zawahiri, like al-Zarqawi pulled the rug out from underneath bin Laden.
Official Declaration of a Caliphate
On June 29, 2014, ISIS announced the establishment of a worldwide caliphate. Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was named its caliph, and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was renamed the Islamic State (IS).
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Threatens the Saudi Monarch
In his November 13, 2014th, speech, the self-appointed caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, threatened the Saudi Kingdom. He effectively used particular words and statements to arouse the emotions of the Salafi/Wahhabi population of the Saudi Kingdom, ensuring their collaboration:
Oh sons of al-Haramayn, the two sacred mosques, Oh people of al-Tawheed, the people of the oneness of God, O people of al-walaa and al-barra (loyalty and friendship vs. disavowal and enmity), the Head of the snake (Saudi Arabia) is at your end. It is the core of the epidemic [of kufr]. So draw your swords and divorce life ….There shall be no peace for the people of Saloul (the Shia) and no place for the disbelievers in Saudi Arabia after today.
We announce the expansion of the Islamic State to new countries and the Haramayn, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, and Algeria land. Oh, soldiers of the Islamic State…erupt volcanoes of Jihad everywhere. Light the earth with fire against all dictators…
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi also said that the Islamic caliphate established in Iraq and Syria in June 2014 is expanding to Saudi territories.” (Ibrahim, pg 236)
Until Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, threatened the Saudi Kingdom for “being his next target,” the silence regarding the wild transgressions of ISIS came alive. However, a new direction in Saudi policy toward ISIS has begun. See “A Change of Direction in the Saudi Monarchy” below.
The Three Rules of Al-Ddawlah, the [Islamic] State
ISIS policies and behavior reflect Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s three-rule doctrine of the Islamic State, al-Dawlah***. These rules are:
1- Al-Takfeer. Al-Takfeer (to associate people with disbelief in God and Islam, including Muslims). The Wahhabi doctrine of takfeer is a broad Salafi/Wahhabi teaching. As for ISIS, it considers all governments and people who do not think like them, as whole or as individuals, apostates. This apostate view was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s justification for igniting the war against the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century and claiming the Arabian Peninsula. To him, the apostate legitimizes Jihad.
2- Immigration from the Land of Disbelief (kufr) to the Land of Faith (iman). The immigration rule ensured that Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s followers emigrated to Ad Diriyah, where he and Muhammad ibn Saud made the union. Rule number two also implies other lands are the lands of Kufr and are legitimate targets for Jihad. The origin of this immigration rule comes from the early history of Islam. Prophet Muhammad obligated his followers to briefly migrate from Mecca to Medina until the crisis was over. When the problem was over, so did the obligation. However, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab obligated a historic event on his adherents and imposed it on all Muslims. In today’s world, 1.7 billion Muslims must migrate to the Caliphate in Iraq and Syria to accommodate this rule.
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab explains emigration as emigration from the country of shirk to Islam’s nation. Migration, he noted, is obligatory until the Day of Judgment.” (Ibrahim, pg 166)
3- Jihad is the third of the Dawlah principles. The Wahhabi creed declares Jihad on all people who do not think like them. People have three alternatives: accept “Islam,” pay Jizyah, or face war, Jihad. (Ibrahim)
The three rules played a significant role in Muhammad ibn Saud’s political maneuvers in invading Arabia in the 18th century but with shameful scars of his brutality against Muslims. For 132 years, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Saud’s predecessors launched a long jihad war against the ‘infidel’ Muslims of the Arabian Peninsula until they finally ruled it and, in the process, destroyed the Islamic Ottoman Empire.
ISIS brutality and savagery is a copy of the Wahhabi’s experience of the 18th century but with a far more advanced gear of devastating weaponry. Their expansion is reflected, at a minimum, in the geographical expansion in Iraq, Syria, and Libya and is weaved in their names: al-Tawhid and Jihad group, the Islamic State of Iraq, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and the Islamic State period. ISIS recognizes no geographical borders.
***Al-Wahhab, Abd, Muhammad, The Three Basics and their Roots, 10th edition, page 21, Ministry of Awqaf and Da’wah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Apostasy (Riddah)
Wikipedia and analyzing links organizations reported that the total Iraqi body count of casualties from 2003 until 2014 was 140,772. Four thousand eight hundred ninety-five were combatants during the American invasion, March-May 2003. ISIS murdered the rest. The Wahhabi/Salafi’s “apostate” belief is the base of their offensive drive. The Salafi/Wahhabi rationale of manslaughter, abduction, rape, destruction, and property seizure is founded on their belief. Such belief states: ‘the apostate cannot be negotiated with, reconciled with, or make peace with; the apostate will not be left alone, and jihad is the only alternative to deal with.’ Following are two quotations from al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda, and Sayyid Qutb, a prominent Muslim Brotherhood party in Egypt.
Quotations on Apostate and Governments by Extreme Leaders
Quotes on apostate and extremism from Dr. Ayman Zawahry, the Head of al-Qaeda, and Sayyid Qutb, a Prominent Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Any relationship with the apostate (murtad) government is prohibited by Sharia law. Sharia law states, ‘no negotiation, no reconciliation or peace can be made with the apostate, neither will he/she be left free’; the [apostate] president and the government, therefore, have to perish (no other choice is given, regardless).” He continued to state, “All Muslims must oust an apostate governor, [indeed,] and Jihad is obligatory on each able Muslim. Conducting peace with disbelievers is permitted, but not with apostates. Therefore, a military campaign and all other forms of crusades, such as missionaries, intellectuals, and media institutions, (all) must not stop their offense until the day the apostate regime gives up the government to the Muslims.” French Media Interview Report with al-Zawahiri
Zawahiri’s teaching contradicts the teachings of Allah SWT over the freedom of belief. Moreover, Allah made His forgiveness unlimited and eternal for all people, yet al-Zawahiri’s education seems to overrule Allah’s code of forgiveness. In Islam, negotiation, reconciliation, and peace accords are the keys to al-Fat-h, ‘the opening of the gates of goodness.’ For example, see the Hudaybiyah Peace Treaty the Prophet made with the Pagan Quraysh.
Qutb’s statement is not just false like Al-Zahrawy’s, but also contradictory and confusing. Qutb’s original Arabic message follows.
“It was not the intent of Islam to force people to embrace its belief since Islam is not just a belief. Islam, as we stated, is an order made to liberate man from being subservient to man. Therefore, Islam’s first goal is to oust all governing systems and regimes based on people ruling people and man ruling man. Then, all peoples shall be free to choose the religion they like, but only after they remove the political pressure and allow their soul and minds to see clear knowledge.” Qutub continued, “However, this experience should not mean that they are free to choose their whims as a god, be enslaved people or subservient [to other men], or take each other as lords, other than God. Any governing system must be based on “slavery to God only.” And be receiving instructions only from Him; under such a governing system, can people choose their religions freely.” (Sayyid Qutb, Milestones on the Road, pg 71)
First, Qutb infers that Islam forces people to embrace it. His statement directly conflicts with the undisputable Qur’anic injunctions of freedom of belief.
Second, Qutb dangerously directed generations of young Muslims’ minds into a wrong “first-priority of eradicating all governments of the world.” This false principle has made much of the world, especially the West, fear Islam. Muslims’ mission is to draw people to Islam, not rebuff them from it. Allah SWT reveals:
(O Glorious Messenger!) Invite your Lord’s path with wisdom and refined exhortation and (also) argue with them most decently. Indeed, your Lord knows well the one who strayed away from His path and Knows the rightly guided. Qur’an, 16:125
Thirdly, in his last statement, Sayyid Qutb allows people to ‘freely choose the religion of their choice, but only after a new Islamic state has been established.’ But even after they have chosen the religion of their choice, ‘they cannot make their desires their lord or be subservient to other men.’ His statement sounds contradictory and confusing. Moreover, what gives Sayyid Qutb the right to dictate to the people of the world how to run their lives when Allah created them free?
Apostates in the Dictionary of the Salafi/Wahhabi Doctrine
The Salafi/Wahhabi theatre of Takfir comes in many colors and shades. The apostate shades and colors turn most of the Salafi/Wahhabi ritual and ceremonial speeches into a negativism maze. Cautions against innovations, warning against shirk. Accusations of worshipping saints and graves, the allegation of innovations, attacks on modern political and social systems and cultures, and other disgust and negations. (Ibrahim, pg 211)
Following are nine apostate examples:
1. Anyone who does not adhere to Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab’s teachings.
2. Anyone or group praying around graves or tombs are Mushrik.
3. Shia, Sufis, and other groups such as Alawis, Zaydis, Kurds, and Baathis.
4. Anyone who states ISIS is brutal.
5. Modern state tools of governance, such as democracy: elections, election candidates, workers, volunteers, and institutions, are doomed.
6. Anyone who agrees with the disbelievers’ faith, whether the disbelievers are Christians, Jews, Buddhists, etc.
Note: The Salafi/Wahhabi adherents consider any Muslim who deals with Christians and Jews or meets with them for interfaith activities to be an apostate. Shaikh Al-Jabiree of the Salafi Talk Website states:
“This interfaith dialogue is a sickness, an affliction, trying to bring about the unification of religions, and it is not from the methodology of the Salaf.”
“We will take that which we agree on and leave that which we disagree with. Their principles open ways to bid’ah (innovation). And misguides Muslim groups like the Raafidah and other non-Muslims [such as] the Jews and Christians. I have discussed this in detail previously and explained how these people leave al-Walaa` wal-Baraa` (the allegiance to the Muslims and not associating oneself to the Kuffar). However, it is a principle of Islaam.”
7.- Innovation (Bid’ah). Doing anything religiously that the Prophet Muhammad did not do is considered bid’ah.
8. Praying near graves, temples, or statues.
9. Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab’s Ten Nullifiers of Islam. Ibn Abdul Wahhab created ten rules that nullify a person from Islam. No one else before him ever did any work of this negating nature
Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab’s Ten Nullifiers of Islam
Instead of being creative and attracting people to Islam with ten beauty points, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab puts out Islam’s Ten Nullifiers. He introduces you to a sea of negations and warnings that make one run away from Islam rather than be attached to it. In this work, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab classifies apostates as significant shirk, as opposed to minor shirk, and he further lists classes of the types of apostates. Check the following link for the ten nullifiers.
Al-Wallaa and Al-Barra (Loyalty and Friendship vs. Disavowal and Enmity)
Even though al-Walaa wa al-Barra is an old Salafi/Wahhabi concept, with recent intensive drives, it has become “the most important of principles of Islam.” Nevertheless, al-Walla and al-Barra, in their entirety, are based on the distorted meaning of the verses of the Qur’an discussed in the “Distorting the Islamic Principles” article. Furthermore, al-Wallaa and al-Barra fuel hatred against other faiths and Muslims he accuses of ascribing gods to God. See the Salafi/Wahhabi definition of the Al-Walaa & Barraa image below.
For more on al-Walaa-wal-baraa in PDF, click on the next link.
ISIS Belief Refutation
Islam Calls for Reconciliation and Negotiation
Wahhabi/Salafi’s creed allows no reconciliation, negotiation, or peace with what they ascribe as apostates. The only way to deal with apostates is through a fighting jihad. This barren approach has no place in Islam and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. This same false apostate understanding has kept the “Islamic” or “Rubbles” groups from entering negotiations with the governments of Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Egypt.
Prophet Muhammad negotiated a significant peace treaty known as the al-Hudaybiya treaty with his enemy. He accepted conditions he otherwise would not have, including the cancellation of the minor pilgrimage for which he and the 4000 people with him had come to perform. Soon after the treaty was signed, a heavenly divine revelation endorsing the Prophet’s reconciliation steps was revealed, confirming the Prophet’s action and comforting the believers’ hearts. The disclosure entitled al-Fateh translated as “the opening of the gates of goodness and victory.”
The barren belief of ISIS and the so-called “Islamic Rebels” is responsible for draining and depleting the resources and livelihood establishments of the Syrian people. The depletion is bringing about a near-collapse of the entire Syrian population. The Syrian war has been ongoing for almost five years now. One wonders, who it is before God, will be the responsible party for the sufferings and pains inflicted on the Syrians? Is it those with a sterile approach or seeking peace, negotiation, and reconciliation? I think it would be those who claim to be Muslims but rebuffed the way of Prophet Muhammad and the teachings of the Qur’an. See our topic, “Relationships and Forgiveness,” to appreciate the faith of Islam.
The Apostate Refutation
Many scholars of Islam refute the ruling of an apostate, as understood by the Wahhabi/Salafi doctrine. The Salafi/Wahhabi creed draws its apostate’ all-out war holistic drive’ ruling against Muslims not from the Qur’an but from a historical Riddah battle. The Riddah battles took place during the term of the first Caliph, Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr launched the Riddah wars against certain tribes who refused to pay zakah (a form of tax), which constituted a dangerous trend that could grow and overcome the new and young Islamic State.
Most modern scholars maintain that the Riddah war against the tribal revolt was not an act of apostasy but rather a political decision to stop a possible move to depose the new Muslim nation at its cradle. Had Abu Bakr not carried the successful Riddah wars, Islam would have ceased altogether. Moreover, Muslim scholars maintained that apostasy’s penalty is valid only if the apostate party attacks or harms Islam or Muslims. Otherwise, no penalty should be imposed on the apostate if there was no damage or aggression against Islam or Muslims. Scholars further maintained that there had not been a single execution case of an apostate throughout Islamic history.
There are 1.7 billion Muslims with millions of scriptural books, text, and other informational media today. So is there a chance or possibility for Islam to die anymore?
Defining War
Additionally, Muslim scholars maintained that the war in Islam has to have two opposing armed forces. If a one-armed power attacks an un-combatant party or community, this action no longer fits the war definition; it is murder and an act of aggression. Such acts of corruption are severely punishable in the code of Islam.
“Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger. Strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is killed or crucified so that their hands and feet are cut off from opposite sides. Or that they are exiled from the Land. For them, a disgrace in this world, and there is a significant punishment for them in the Hereafter. Qur’an 5:33
Among the many modern scholars who support the above apostate understanding and war definitions are Dr. Adnan Ibrahim, Dr. al-Butti, al-Habeeb al-Ja’fari, and the ex-Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Juma’ah.
Isolation and Stifling Intellect
One of the most futile Wahhabi/Salafi teachings is incapacitating the intellects of their adherents. Wahhabi/Salafi followers are taught to strictly follow their creed’s scholars’ direction in interpreting the scriptural text. No one can add, remove, modify, or even question their former or present-day scholars’ understanding. To ensure they will not be challenged, a few Salafi/Wahhabi scholars produce hundreds of thousands of fatwas in all folds of life; thereby, everyone finds their (pre-determined) answer. ISIS leaders are clear examples of being faithful to their creed and leaders’ teachings while, in the meantime, closing their minds.
Mainstream Muslims and scholars hold no weight, respect, or consideration from the Wahhabi/Salafi population. 5,4 Furthermore, Wahhabi/Salafi adherents have no choice in accepting any other Muslim text interpretation. The Salafi/Wahhabi claim that “all other Muslims are heretics or apostates” automatically disqualifies their interpretation. The inherent danger of this Wahhabi/Salafi teaching is that the adherents are subjected to the instructions of less than a handful of Wahhabi/Salafi scholars, with the same point of view, as opposed to thousands upon thousands of Muslim scholars of mainstream Islam, with different points of view.
The downsides of the trend of following fatwas without thinking are many. First, these fatwas can and have become holy to the adherent. Uneducated people, such as ISIS leaders, can easily be misled and wage an all-out war against the innocent. Second, fatwas made in the 9th century driven by that century’s political and social conditions are being forced on people of all times, including our modern times, and of different social and political environments. This understanding is a pitfall, derogatory, and dangerous. A clear example of the Wahhabi/Salafi self-centered culture of isolation and consideration of other Muslims is the complete silence of Saudi scholars regarding ISIS and its atrocities. ISIS only follows their holistic Salafi/Wahhabi scholars. The open advisory letter to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi from all over the Muslim world, signed by 126 Muslim scholars and Muftis, sent to him on September 19, 2014, did not contain a single signature from Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabi/Salafi scholars. (Ibrahim).
This arrogant Saudi stand is dreadful and a deviation from Islamic unity. Moreover, disabling rationality and innovative thinking is stagnation and backwardness, ultimately leading to self-destruction. The separation from mainstream Muslims is an act of grave sin.
Salafi/Wahhabis Decline Joining American Muslims
Another clear example of the Wahhabi/Salafi adherents that strictly follow their holistic leader’s instructions is declining to join the unification resolution of the American Muslim communities of North America regarding the Muslim feasts and holiday dates. The Islamic Shura and Fiqh Councils of North America (, established a resolution that unites all North American Islamic centers and entities to celebrate their holidays and develop fasting routines nationally and collectively.
In a sovereign Islamic country, proper religious authority establishes such dates and events for all. The resolution of the Islamic Shura and Fiqh Councils of North America resolved many Muslim community problems. See “The Profound Wisdom of Prophet Muhammad Regarding the Lunar Dates“
Even though Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Ifta and Da’wa, a core Salafi/Wahhabi creed responsible for determining the event’s dates, communicated with the American Islamic Shura and Fiqh councils, the Salafi/Wahhabi mosques in America declined to follow the resolution. The Salafi/Wahhabi creed’s teachings failed to unify the American Muslim community’s body in the United States of America and Canada, insisting on following their “holistic” leaders.
The Muslim faith teaches consideration of all acts of separatism, deviations, offense, and failure. Ibn Taymiyah, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab, ibn Baz, ibn Uthaimeen, and al-Albany are the Salafi/Wahhabi teachings’ icons.
Islam Commands Innovation
The Holy Qur’an contains expressions and inspirations appropriate for every time, place, and circumstance, not just the time of Prophet Muhammad, his companions, and the tabi’een. Allah SWT described the believers as:
They believe in God and the last day, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and zealously
strive to excel (compete) in good works: These are righteous (the ones who augment the human potential. Qur’an 3:114
To be zealously striving to compete with someone and augment the human potential, the competitors would have to have science, a product, a project, or actions they are competing against each other. How can one reach the level Allah SWT set out for him or her if they intends to shut off their minds and hearts from producing actions or answers to their life issues and failures?
Allah SWT widely opened the way for all Muslims to learn and establish habits and norms toward prosperity. He described the believers saying:
(It is) We have revealed a Book to you, abounding in good that they may ponder its verses. [deeply think through its principles, discover its predictions, expressions, concepts, and matters.] And those endowed with understanding may be mindful [of solutions, answers, advances, and improvements. Qur’an 38, 28
This verse was revealed and related to everyone, regardless of place, time, technology, and social and political environment. Therefore, people’s solutions and resolutions must be based on their present circumstances and culture, not those of the old centuries, much like Prophet Muhammad and his companions did for their time.
See Recognizing Where Lies the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
ISIS Apostate Belief at Work
ISIS Carnage and Destruction
ISIS has demonstrated the wildest means of brutality, torture, and destruction in Iraq, Syria, and Libya. According to ISIS’ dictionary, all populations are targets of the fighting Jihad unless they repent; for Muslims, accept Islam; for non-Muslims or pay jizya, or else suffer a war. On the contrary, Islam calls for freedom of faith and establishes no enforcement or compulsion in religion.
Indiscriminate killing, raping, burning, and abusing innocent Muslims, Christians, Shia, Kurds, and even the extremists of al-Qaida, who are like them, but with a different approach and are not pure Wahhabis. The worst of their abuse is Allah’s religion, Islam, which they named themselves after.
Were it not that God repels some people from employing others,” all monasteries and churches and synagogues and mosques – in [all of] which God’s name is abundantly extolled – would indeed have been destroyed. [The implication is that the defense of religious freedom is the foremost cause for which arms may and, indeed, must be taken up (see 2:193) or else, corruption would surely overwhelm the earth”.] And God will most certainly succor him who succors His cause: for verily, God is most powerful, almighty. Qur’an 22:40
Below are two letters the ISIS leader wrote, ordering the lower ISIS authority (Abu al-Farooq al-Tunisi) to carry out an offense against Shaitan’s tribe Deir-ez-Zor, Syria. He instructs to kill all civilians and militants and bomb the city of Deir-ez-Zor, Syria, per the fatwa (verdict) of Abu Abdullah al-Kuwaiti.

Sheik Abu Abdullah al-Kuwaity’s fatwa resulted in the slaying of over 700 people from the tribe of Shaitan in Deir-ez-Zor, Syria. The fatwa reflects the Salafi/Wahhabi doctrine regarding apostasy.
Following is the Moroccan World News Report on this massacre in English.
Rabat: Amid their ongoing massacres in Syria, the Islamic State’s militants have reportedly “massacred” at least 700 members of the Shaitan tribe in the last two weeks in the province of Deir ez-Zor, according to an NGO.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that 600 of the dead were civilians, and the rest were fighters. AFP quoted the Head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Abdel Rahman Rami, saying that “the fate of 1,800 other members of the tribe was unknown.” The massacres of the tribe by the Islamic State’s militants took place in several villages in the province of Deir-ez-Zor, mainly the Ghranij, Abu Hamam, and Kashkiyeh villages.
Per, Abu Abdullah al-Kuwaiti’s fatwa states:
“Consider the Shaitat tribe an apostate. You must consider it kafir (infidel). Fight it in the same way you fight kufar (disbelievers), and according to all scholars, whether they admit to the killing verdict or not. It is impermissible to deal with them for protection, a peace treaty, or a security agreement. None of their prisoners of war should be released or exchanged for money. Their slaughtered meat shall not be eaten; their women prisoners of war can be wives or owned servants; it is permissible to kill them as prisoners of war, escapees, and the wounded; they must be attacked, even if they do not start the fight first.”
The Arabic text below contains the Arabic version of this fatwa. Every point of this fatwa and belief violates the core principles of Islam. How could people with such confidence described above attribute their loyalty to Islam, worse, name themselves after it? See our article, The Distortion of Islamic Doctrine. The third ISIS example displaying their un-Islamic beliefs is of sex slaves. See the image below.

ISIS Destination
ISIS Destination
When can violence be stopped? How far can extremism go before rationality prevails? Arabia’s writers, thinkers, and rational community leaders have begun to give the ISIS irresponsible equation a viable response and solutions.
A Change of Direction in the Saudi Monarchy
After declaring a new Caliphate and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s direct threat specific to Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud felt the severe weight of ISIS.
The London, al-Hayat magazine (August 10, 2014) reported Minister of Islamic Affairs, Endowment, Da’wah, and Guidance of Saudi Arabia, Saleh bin Abdul Aziz Al-al-Shaykh, ordered all Friday congregational prayer leaders in the Kingdom “to warn people of the danger of ISIS’ ideological extremes. He further emphasized not to indict others as disbelievers, stop the criminal behavior in slaughtering innocent lives, and prevent the insecurity they infest in the country.” (Ibrahim pg 239)
Seventy Percent of the Suicide Bombers were Saudis
Another wake-up call for all Saudis was the United Nations report stating: “Seventy percent of the suicide bombers were Saudi.”
“Summary: This report is published jointly by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). It covers July 6 to September 10, 2014 (“the reporting period”). It follows from UNAMI/OHCHR’s first published report on protecting civilians in the ongoing non-international armed conflict in Iraq covering the period from June 5 to July 5, 2014, released on August 18, 2014.
The conflict between the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and affiliated forces, on the one hand, and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) and associated armed groups, on the other, continues to take a heavy toll on civilians. Gross human rights abuses and acts of violence of an increasingly sectarian nature committed by armed groups have exacerbated civilians’ effects and contributed to the deterioration in the human rights situation and the rule of law in many parts of the country.
Overall, at least 24,015 civilians were killed or injured in Iraq during the first eight months of 2014. Of these, at least 8,493 civilians were killed, and 15,782 were wounded. From the spread of the conflict from Anbar to other Iraq areas, UNAMI/OHCHR recorded at least 11,159 civilian casualties between June 1 and August 31. This number includes at least 4,692 civilians killed and 6,467 wounded. The actual numbers could be much higher. Additionally, the number of civilians who have died from the secondary effects of violence, such as lack of access to essential food, water, or medicine, after fleeing their homes or remaining trapped in areas under ISIL control or areas of conflict is unknown. Children, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, and older people have been particularly vulnerable.
As of August 2014, an estimated 1.8 million Iraqis had been displaced due to the ongoing violence. Some 1,000,000 were displaced in areas under the control of ISIL and associated armed groups or government control areas, while 800,000 were replaced in the Kurdistan Region. Therefore, ensuring all civilians’ protection and basic humanitarian needs remain critical.
UNAMI/OHCHR has received reports of serious violations of international humanitarian law and gross human rights abuses perpetrated by ISIL and associated armed groups, with an apparent systematic and widespread character. These include attacks directly targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, executions and other targeted killings of civilians, abductions, rape and other forms of sexual and physical violence perpetrated against women and children, forced recruitment of children, destruction or desecration of places of religious or cultural significance, wanton destruction and looting of property, and denial of fundamental freedoms.”
Bandar bin Sultan was Ousted as the Chief Director of the Intelligence.
Bandar ben Sultanate, the Head of the Saudi secret service, was handling the Syrian folder himself. He could not topple the government of Syria, despite using all his contacts, including al-Qaeda. He could have trafficked 12,000 Saudis into Syria along with financing and weaponry-supplying networks. Many of the trafficked were criminals in Saudi jails. The Saudi move cannot be considered anything less than an actual Wahhabi/Salafi invasion of Syria. Bander bin Sultan established worldwide support for terrorists to operate in Syria and elsewhere in the world. For more details on his conspicuous activities, see the London Huffington Post, “How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism.”
It should be remembered that Bandar was absent from major political decisions on more than four occasions since he was appointed General Secretary of the National Security Council in 2006. His absence each time was due to a mission’s failure that warrants the suspension of his political activity.
According to al-Akhbar news, the vast majority of the Saudis that entered Syria were during the period. Bandar bin Sultan was Syria’s Chief Director of Intelligence from July 2012 to December 2013. Unable to pin Bandar bin Sultan down to disclose his suspicious activities and possible illegal operations, King Abdullah’s Royal Order came to criminalize “all Saudi fighters, civilians, and military” and to terminate Bandar’s career.
The Ex-Kuwaiti Minister Saad al-Ajami’s Brave Admission
The Ex-Kuwaiti Minister of Information and Culture, Saad al-Ajami, in Qatar’s Gate of the East News Paper, dated August 3, 2014, under the heading: Kuluna Daish, We All Are ISIS, states, “ISIS did not come from another planet, neither are they the graduates of the disbelieving western schools, nor the eastern [block] of the past. They are the grown members of our own culture. ISIS received their education in our schools. Prayed in our Mosques, listened to our media, entertained by our satellite programs, and attentively heeded our pulpits. Quenched their thirst from our books and references; they submitted to their [religious] leaders and followed their fatwa.”
He concluded: “We Are All ISIS; we are the ones who created them, we are the ones who educated them, we are the ones who recruited them, we are the ones who charged them, and we are the ones who set them up for the inevitable, and then we stood mystified about the horror that we made in our own hands.”
Minister Saad al-Ajami’s brave admission deserves all the recognition and praise for “knowing the problem is, indeed, half the solution.” Minister Saad al-Ajami’s accurate description of the problem’s origins is indeed the beginning of the ending of this epidemic of bigotry and violence. If the educational systems do not walk away from the old Salafi/Wahhabi doctrine, there will always be ISIS, and the teachings will continue as long as we have people like ISIS. The elimination of the Salafi/Wahhabi doctrine and the like, and the return to the genuine mainstream Islamic teachings, make the best of the solutions.
Extremism Enveloped the Saudi Academia and Society
Another courageous and rational call from the Saudi educational system calls for critiquing the strategy. Dr. Baina al-Mulheim, the Politics and Thought advisor of the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Naïf Al-Saud, and a member of the Board of Education at King Saud University, made the following thoughtful statement in al-Riyadh Newspaper on November 3, 2014.
The doctrine of extremism has enveloped academia for decades. The society establishments infused with dogma, and as such, a radicalized political and theological mindset throughout have been shaped.
A statement by Dr. Iman al-Bugha, a professor at Dammam University, in giving her allegiance to ISIS infuriates the community. Dr. al-Mulhim spoke to al-Riyadh News Paper about the danger befalling Saudi society if Saudi women became involved in extremism and the ISIS experience.
This recognition by the Saudi leaders and other ceremonial, public, and social media as a proper Islamic education marks the beginning of the end of ISIS.
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