Faysal Burhan

About the Author, Faysal Burhan

Faysal S. Burhan, co-founder, and director of the Center for Islamic Studies (CIS), formerly, Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, IAIS.

Mr. Burhan has over 50 years of experience in making Islam known in Syria and many Islamic centers and institutions across America’s continent. Mr. Burhan has been taking part in educational programs, reaching out to organizations and institutions across America.

Some of these institutions include the National Council for the Social Studies, American Library Association, California Council for the Social Studies, Texas Council for the Social Studies, American Theological Library Association, Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies, and more.

Mr. Burhan is the author of “The Solution to the Muslim Crisis” and the documentary film’s scriptwriter and director, “Legacy of Peace.”

Mr. Burhan received seven years of Islamic tarbiyah (education, orientation, and training) at Abu an-Nour Institute in Damascus, Syria. Abu an-Nour Institute ran under the guidance of its founder, the late Grand Mufti of Syria, Sheik Ahmad Kuftaro. By profession, Mr. Burhan is an Electrical Engineer working in the area of the aerospace industry.