A Historic Meeting Between Dr. Robert Schuller and Sheik Ahmad Kuftaro

A Historic Meeting Between Dr. Robert Schuller and Sheik Ahmad Kuftaro

By: Faysal Burhan

Published: 2000

Invite (all) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and discuss with them in the best and most gracious ways. Qur’an, 16:125 

An interfaith function at the Abu Nour Foundation, Damascus, Syria 

Dr. Robert Schuller, the Crystal Cathedral founder in Garden Grove, California, and Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro, the Grand Mufti of Syria, met in Damascus (December 1999) at the invitation of the Grand Mufti. The visit was the first step to working together under the banner of faith and a better understanding between Christians and Muslims. The Center for Islamic Studies and Christians and Muslims for Peace organizations organized this meeting.

Muslim Christian Collaboration

As a result of his visit, Dr. Robert Schuller called for an international Christian/Muslim conference in Damascus in 2000 to kick off the 21st century with peace and understanding between Christians and Muslims in a historic address at the Abu Nour Islamic Foundation, attended by over 15,000 people. Many officials and leaders of the Christian denominations, his Excellency Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro, told the congregation, “Muslims and Christians are in one camp,” and that the clergymen from both faiths must establish peace, kindness, and brotherhood for all humankind.

Dr. Schuller pointed out that we have a lot more in common to build on than differences. He also said the 21st century should be a century of the coalition, not a collision between these two great religions’ followers. Then, Dr. Schuller and his delegation met with the Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches, Dr. Mahat Al Khuri, and the leaders of the four Christian dominations of Syria in their respective churches. Later, at the invitation of the Middle East Council of Churches, a dinner was held in the New Umaiyad Hotel in honor of the American Delegation and the Grand Mufti.

During his visit to the Umayyad Mosque, Dr. Schuller and his delegation visited John the Baptist’s tomb, the original stone containers within the Mosque, and the water well where people were washed to be baptized. Dr. William Baker, founder of the Christians and Muslims for Peace organization CAMP, was interviewed for one hour on the TV program Focus. Dr. Baker said, “CAMP has brought peace between fighting Christians and Muslims in the Philippines and other communities globally.”
The visit, which lasted four days, December 15 through 18th, 1999, marked the beginning of a new era for Muslims and Christians working together for peace and better relationships. This event was broadcast in the local papers, Orange County Register, and on CNN and the PBS television programs.

The above beautiful passage lays down Islamic interfaith and outreach work principles. Wisdom, discretion, gentleness, and consideration are the grounds for gracious work to change hearts and minds. Meeting people on their level and introducing Islam with examples relevant to their knowledge, which may be very narrow or wide without opinionated or offensive disposition, will surely make a difference and show wisdom.


Also, See My Trip to Syria Diary By Dr. Schullr’s daughter, Carol Schuller Milner.


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