


Published: 2002

important postal service was created in the Islamic world by the caliph Moàvia. This service was called Berid, by the name of the towers built to protect the roads by which couriers traveled.

Before the Middle Ages, carrier pigeons were used, taking advantage of a singular quality of this bird, that when taken far from its nest, it can find its way home due to a particularly developed sense of orientation.
Messages were then tied around the legs of the pigeon that was freed, and he was set free so he could reach his original nest. Dr. Kaleel Kasem, author, and historian said:

The question whether Islam is in a clash with western civilization, it is western civilization, it produced the western civilization in Italy, in Sicily and Spain, it produced the check, the bank, the hospital, the sciences, the first airmail, the post office, and the use of mathematics.

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