
Published 2002
Muhammad bin Zakariya ar-Razi, a prolific author, was one of the most brilliant Middle Ages who wrote about Philosophy, Logic, Astronomy, and Physical Science. Upon completing his medical education in Baghdad, Muhammad bin Zakariya ar-Razi collected data and wrote his first medical book on hospital experiences. His second book, Al-Tibb al Mansuri, talks about the art of healing and tackles anatomy, Physiology, dietaries, preservation of health, Toxicology, Pathology, and fever. His third book, At-tibb Ar-Rohani, deals with the moral and psychological ills of the human spirit.
Muhammad bin Zakariya ar-Razi’s most comprehensive book was al Hawi Fi at-Tib, an encyclopedia of medical science of both the Greeks and Muslims medical knowledge. It was translated to Latin by the Jewish physician Faraj bin Salem in 1292 under the title Continens.
Muhammad bin Zakariya ar-Razi
Another Philosopher in Islam was Ibn Rushd (1126-1198). In Latin, he was known as Averroes. Ibn Rushd was an Aristotelian and an author of some
of the most influential medical works. He provided Europe with integral commentaries on understanding Aristotle, who significantly influenced Western scientific development.
Ibn Rushed (Averroes) Andalucía
In fact, Jewish philosophers such as Ibn Maymun, known as Maimonides (d. 1204), Yahuda ben Solomon Cohen and Aveicebron, who were the main glory of intellect, were students of Ibn Rushd and Arabic philosophy. The Islamic philosophy floats high above all racism that gave freedom and protection to minorities and the Jews who translated the Arabic works into Hebrew (12th to 14th century).
Rom Landau stated in his book, “The Arab Heritage of Western Civilization,” that “Averroism became the chief doctrine of the philosophical schools of Paris, Padua, and Bologna. Veerroism helped lay the foundation for the Renaissance.”
Ibn Maymun, known as Maimonides
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